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Yellow leaves and hummingbirds

Both are outside my window today as I write. Fall has been quite lovely here and my birthday has passed (fairly quietly this year as was my want). Dinner and karaoke where I sang the Commodores "Easy" and my tribute to Tom Petty - "American Girl" . I will never forget the first time I heard those songs in that summer (whatever year that was) and knew then that he wold be huge. You will be missed Tom. Hard to even find words to express how sad I am over all the destruction - both man made and nature made - over which I imagine the whole world grieves.

Now I'm not above a march, a protest or a good old impeachment, but most of the time I feel I am a bit too old for all that. I really think that your 20s are for the kind of anger that can make change. I have all I can using my energy for my own growth and change, my own travel and personal development. So I believe in love. Do no harm. Do as little harm as possible anyway. And the best way to be and to have love for others is to find it and understand it in yourself.


I really enjoyed my trip east. My planning gets honed each time I travel and it makes everything easier and more fun. Met a long time admirer in NYC and now he is a friend. I will be back in both NY and Boston in June, my doves.

A ton of good food, a new appreciation for reflexology (already found a local place) and mostly a deep desire to kayak or even simply float on the water as much a possible. Time to put a plan in motion. Got a kayak you're not using? Will trade for kayak!

Here's me at Redbones in Somerville MA. Just a short walk from Cambridge and the neighborhood where I lived for almost 12 years in my Boston days.

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